Class CustomerManager

  • public class CustomerManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • CustomerManager

        public CustomerManager​(UIOverlay overlay)
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(FoodTextureManager textureManager)
        Reset the scenario to the default scenario.
        textureManager - The manager of food textures that can be passed to the recipes
      • checkRecipe

        public boolean checkRecipe​(Recipe recipe)
        Check to see if the recipe matches the currently requested order.
        recipe - The recipe to check against the current order.
        a boolean signifying if the recipe is correct.
      • nextRecipe

        public void nextRecipe()
        Complete the current order nad move on to the next one. Then update the UI. If all the recipes are completed, then show the winning UI.
      • addRecipeStation

        public void addRecipeStation​(RecipeStation station)