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act(float) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.chef.Chef
act(float) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.ChoppingStation
Called every frame.
act(float) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.CookingStation
Called every frame.
act(float) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.StationCollider
act(float) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.Timer
actionAlignment - Variable in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.Station
addChefsToStage(Stage) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.chef.ChefManager
Add the created Chefs to the game world
addRecipeStation(RecipeStation) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.food.CustomerManager
addStation(Station) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.StationUIController
Keep track of another station and initialize UI for that station.
addSubject(Subject<Chef>) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.Station
addSubject(Subject<T>) - Method in interface cs.eng1.piazzapanic.observable.Observer
addToStage(Stage) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.SettingsOverlay
addToStage(Stage) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.TutorialOverlay
arrayFromString(String, FoodTextureManager) - Static method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.food.ingredients.Ingredient
Initialize an array of ingredients based on the input string.
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