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uiController - Variable in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.Station
UIOverlay - Class in cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui
UIOverlay(Stage, PiazzaPanicGame) - Constructor for class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.UIOverlay
update(Chef) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.Station
Take the chef sent from the Subject and decide what interactions are possible.
update(T) - Method in interface cs.eng1.piazzapanic.observable.Observer
Lets the implementation of Observer deal with the new value that was set in the Subject.
updateChefUI(Chef) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.UIOverlay
Show the image of the currently selected chef as well as have the stack of ingredients currently held by the chef.
updateOrderActions() - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.RecipeStation
Updates the current available actions based on the new customer's order
updateProgress(float) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.StationActionUI
updateProgressValue(Station, float) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.StationUIController
Update progress bar for a station.
updateRecipeCounter(int) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.UIOverlay
Update the number of remaining recipes to be displayed.
updateRecipeUI(Recipe) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.UIOverlay
Show the current requested recipe that the player needs to make, the ingredients for that, and the number of remaining recipes.
updateTimer() - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.Timer
Show the minutes and seconds correctly based on the total number of seconds that have passed.
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