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Recipe - Class in cs.eng1.piazzapanic.food.recipes
The Recipe class is the parent class of the food classes that dictates what ingredients are needed to make them
Recipe(String, FoodTextureManager) - Constructor for class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.food.recipes.Recipe
The constructor method for the class
RecipeStation - Class in cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations
The RecipeStation class is a station representing the place in the kitchen where you combine ingredients to create food.
RecipeStation(int, TextureRegion, StationUIController, StationActionUI.ActionAlignment, FoodTextureManager, CustomerManager) - Constructor for class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.RecipeStation
The constructor method for the class
RED - cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.ButtonManager.ButtonColour
register(Observer<Chef>) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.StationCollider
register(Observer<T>) - Method in interface cs.eng1.piazzapanic.observable.Subject
Add an observer which will be notified with every new T
removeSubject(Subject<Chef>) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.Station
removeSubject(Subject<T>) - Method in interface cs.eng1.piazzapanic.observable.Observer
render(float) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.screens.GameScreen
render(float) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.screens.HomeScreen
reset() - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.ChoppingStation
reset() - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.CookingStation
reset() - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.RecipeStation
reset() - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.stations.Station
Reset the station values to be the default.
reset() - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.Timer
resize(int, int) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.screens.GameScreen
resize(int, int) - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.screens.HomeScreen
resume() - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.screens.GameScreen
resume() - Method in class cs.eng1.piazzapanic.screens.HomeScreen
RIGHT - cs.eng1.piazzapanic.ui.StationActionUI.ActionAlignment
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