Class StationUIController

  • public class StationUIController
    extends java.lang.Object
    The controller of all UI relating to all stations. It enables showing and hiding action buttons and displaying progress bars (WIP).
    • Constructor Detail

      • StationUIController

        public StationUIController​(com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage uiStage,
                                   PiazzaPanicGame game)
    • Method Detail

      • addStation

        public void addStation​(Station station)
        Keep track of another station and initialize UI for that station.
        station - the station to keep track of.
      • showActions

        public void showActions​(Station station,
                                java.util.List<StationAction.ActionType> actions)
        Display a set of actions for a given station. If the station is not one that this class knows, then it will initialize the UI for it and then show the actions.
        station - The station for which the UI should be displayed.
        actions - The list of actions to show.
      • hideActions

        public void hideActions​(Station station)
        Hide any actions that may be visible for a given station.
        station - The station for which action should be hidden.
      • showProgressBar

        public void showProgressBar​(Station station)
        Display a progress bar for a station. If the station is not one that this class knows, then it will initialize the UI for it and then show the actions.
        station - The station for which the UI should be displayed.
      • updateProgressValue

        public void updateProgressValue​(Station station,
                                        float value)
        Update progress bar for a station. If the station is not one that this class knows, then it will initialize the UI for it and then show the actions.
        station - The station for which the progress should be updated.
        value - The value to be shown on the progress bar.
      • hideProgressBar

        public void hideProgressBar​(Station station)
        Hide any actions that may be visible for a given station.
        station - The station for which action should be hidden.